Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Stop Motion Animation
Stop Motion Animation is when you take a bunch of pictures, add the pictures together to tell a story. In my video I used a computer program to make the pictures look like a video.
We learned different camera techniques to take different pictures for different occasions.
We also learned to use different computer programs to make our videos the best they could be. We all had to find a story line for our movies. Most every one found there ideas on the first day. The class was five days. It took me three days to find an idea, so I was real rushed for the rest of the class.
So, what do you think?
Bing Search
I was so exited to find that out, I told almost everyone! {O.K, so I told one or two people, but still.}
So, needless to say, I am now a fan of 'Bing!'
Free Dinners!
Wow, have we been blessed!
What I Did For Summer
I went on Thursdays to Logan to go shooting with Mr. Lewis; I started to make a Star Wars movie with my siblings; flew in a light aircraft for FREE; I spent a week in Oklahoma at Camp Yeshua; hosted two girls from Columbia; and I acted in a Robin Hood play.
Well, that's just about my summer in a nut shell.
So, for lunch were having the perfect rainy day meal- home made Chicken Noodle Soup and home made bread!
Name Selling
Who knew my name could make so much money without me?
Hebrew Flash Cards

Monday, August 30, 2010
History AP Test
She got 33%.
I got 44%.
Yea. I feel reeeeeel special.
Back to School
O.K, so it's not that bad, but you get the picture. Naturally, we were late starting school, as we had to drop Orli {Yes, with an I and not a Y, as Molly so patiently mentioned.} off at the vet, then pick up some breakfast. Most of my school was old, same stuff I did last year. Well, I did a new history thing, but I'll talk about that later.
I forgot how to do my math, but it slowly came back. The problems were really easy, too.
For science I had to color a DNA strand, which almost made me wonder what grade I was really in, 9th or 1st.
On my Hebrew on the Rosetta Stone program, I did pretty good for not having done it in awhile. {In other words I failed dramatically.}
Answers to Mollys Comment on "Orly"
And, a couple of weeks could mean several months, it all depends on how you look at it.
{To the reader- Can't you tell I'm running out of things to blog about?}
Road Trip!
We're leaving {I think} on September 12th, the day before Molly's Birthday.
We all had to wake up at seven to do our chores, then bring him in to the vet. The vet said we should be able to pick him up later in the afternoon. He would have a small hole where the tumor was, but she {the vet} said it shouldn't affect his eating. We're all glad he doesn't have to live with it any more.
Heart Attack
It was around 8:30 when I finally got the news. He had the heart attack at about 6:15.
As I said, it was a mild one, but he had to stay at the hospital over night because it was the policy. We picked him up the next morning, all smiles that he's all right. Praise GOD!
End of Shooting
Blog Competition update
Right now I'm behind Molly by two posts. I can already taste the Pizza. {Did I say that already?}
MCT Robin Hood Play
We all got parts in the play, Andrei and Landon were two guards, Abby and Viktor were Merry Men, and I was The Sheriff Of Nottingham. The play was on Saturday at the Sweat Pea Festival. We arrived their a little before eight, and it was starting to rain. We got in to our costumes and did our first dress rehearsal.{We spent the last week practicing our lines, but didn't get to see our costumes.} We then changed back into our regular clothes and had lunch. At One thirty we went back and got our make up and costumes on. At three we had our play, and it was over at about four thirty.
The play was lots of fun, and I hope we will be able to do more MCT shows in the future.
Kelly and Ana
The girls mostly stayed with Molly. They LOVED her. They only loved me when I made pop-corn or drove them on the ATV. The LOVED that ATV.
They were with us for about 2 1/2 weeks, then had to leave back for Columbia.
Camp Yeshua Part Two-Tribulation Game
You needed to form a team of some one from each camp. {All the tribes were split up in camps, red, blue, green and yellow.} Then you needed to find a councilor with an Israeli flag. After that you and your team would race around the camp ground visiting different stops with councilors that would help you. You needed to gather up several glow sticks from each position, they would also give you a clue you needed to know where to go to next. The clues would lead you to random letters, which you had to de scramble to form a bible verse. The first ten teams to find the verse won the game. The whole there were more people with highlighters that would 'mark' you with it. They roamed the whole camp grounds, in groups, pretending to be teams, as loners, striking in the shadows. If you were marked to many times, you would be dis-qualified. The markers added a realistic addition to the game.
Sadly, my team lost. The game finished well after midnight.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Camp Yeshua-Part One
The worship was led by a Messianic band, called Mason Clover.
All the youths {There's that word again. Man, I got to stop using that word!} were divided into the twelve tribes of Israel. I was in Judah.
Each day the 'tribes' would compete against each other in different out side games. Now keep in mind this is in Oklahoma. It didn't get under 100 degrees, and thats not counting humitity. Now I'm a Montana boy, used to 50- wheather, not Oklahoma weather. Oy gevalt, was it hot.
Excuses, excuses
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Shooting M-1's
There were a bunch of firing positions, but since it was my first time, I didn't have to do them all though I did do the last one.
In total I shot around 50 rounds-and the scars on my shoulder prove it!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Blog Competition!
Monday, May 17, 2010
International Learn to Fly Day!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Yom Yerushalayim!
Jerusalem is arguably the most fought over piece of land. King David fought the Canaanites for it, the Babylonians fought for it, the Assyrians fought for it, the Persians fought for it, the Romans fought for it, the Ottoman Turks fought for it, the British army's fought for it, the newly formed Israeli army's fought for it in 1948, and again in 1967, and now the Palestinians are fighting for it.
Jerusalem is home to three major religions: Judaism, Christianity and islam.
The modern Israeli armies have always strived to unite Jerusalem. Under David Ben-Gurion, IDF units tried to take east Jerusalem, but failed. During the June '67 war, Israeli paratroopers broke through the Jordanian lines into E. Jerusalem. They fought their way to the Western Wall, the only remnant of the temple. The force had lost close to 90% of their men, but still they pushed on.
The only way to get to the Wall was through a locked gate. Before blasting through it, an old Arab man walked up and unlocked the door. The paratroopers all lined up at the Wall, and began to pray.
And now, with Israel winning and losing Jerusalem many times, the City of David is in danger again. This time from the P.A., or Palestinian Authority. Many people, including American president Barak Obama, are trying to separate Jerusalem again. Please pray these efforts will fail, and Jerusalem will remain the united capital of Israel.
Test your knowledge about the history of Jerusalem here.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Dinosaur Day!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Ducks and Chicks!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Israeli Independence Day
62 years ago today David-Ben Gurion proclaimed the Independence of Israel from the British empire.
Less than a day later the newly formed country was attacked by five large Arab neighbours, Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. The Zahal, or Israeli army, although out manned, out gunned and had little previous experience defeated the Arab army's. The Arabs went back licking there wounds and still remember this day as Nakba day, Catastrophe Day. Israelis have been in war ever since.
In 1956, in response to Egyptian aggression, Israeli troops crossed through the Sinai and took the Suez canal with the British and French. In 1967 Israel launched a pre-emptive strike against Egypt, and was attacked by Jordan and Syria. Israeli troops captured the Sinai peninsula, the Golan heights and east Jerusalem.
In 1976 Arab army's invaded Israel, nearly cutting her in half. Israeli troops struck back with weapons that were just air-lifted in by the United States, and chased the Arabs out. Then came the intifada, or uprisings. Palestinian cowards sent their children out and blew them up to kill Israelis.
Their goal?
To have peace. Peace!? What kind of a coward terrorist nation sends their children to be blown up? And we are just going to forget about that and give them Israeli lands? Lands Israeli's died protecting? A two state solution, as the plan for giving away Israeli lands is called, is no solution.
Just as the Arabs rejected giving the Jews a little parcel of land, the Palestinians won't settle until they've taken every last inch of Israeli lands and until ever Israeli is dead. Do we really want to give them land? A military? The ability to purchase weapons?
Terrorists controlling Gaza, known as hamas, would do any thing for WMD's (weapons of mass destruction), and they would readily use these against civilians. American President Obama is demanding Israel stops building in their own land. WHAT!?!? How many times has Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu demanded Americans stop building in American lands? Zero. Zero times. Huh.
Notice how Obama is president of the U.S., not Israel. Then what gives him the authority to demand they stop building in their own land? Nothing. Nothing at all. During a meeting with Netanyahu in Washington, D.C. Obama walked out. What!? We treat our enemy's with greater respect!
Please pray for Both governments, that they will go in the way the LORD wants them to.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Yom HaShoah: Day of Rememberence

Bye bye, Mac and Leia
Mac, the 'slow' calf that would have died if not for Molly tube feeding him until he got up to feed from his mama, was a real problem getting into the trailer. We had to have one person push him in while the other pulled.
Leia, seeing Mac eventually defeated, gave up her struggle soon and just walked in. We all really miss seeing them, but when were holding a big, juicy cheeseburger, we'll forget about it.
We spent the previous week ridding our house of leaven: vacuuming, dusting, beating our rugs, cleaning our chair cushions {and believe me, they needed it. A family of three could have lived off the contents under the cushions and would have been quite happy}, ect.
We had a Seder with our church group on the first day of unleavened bread, and the rest of the week we tried not to eat any leavening, which, believe me, is not as easy as it sounds.
The day after the ending we had homemade pizza, which was greatly appreciated.
Monday, March 22, 2010
More Bummer Lambs!
Molly, Abby and I all got lambs on Saturday. Andrei and Viktor got their lambs the day after and Landon will get one soon.
Me feeding my lamb, Sneferu.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Canoeing in the back yard?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
My Sister Kylie's Visit
Unfortunately, Kylie left Tuesday morning, real early to go back to college. We were all sad and can't wait for her to come back.
Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010
Super Sunday
Earlier in the day we had to clear our road so that my mom could see it to drive in and out. First we started out with shovels, but my dad and I got our ATV started up, and since it has a blade to push away the snow we started to use that. It worked very well. While my dad was pushing the snow, me and my brothers played snow ball fight.
As I mentioned above I will not talk about the depressing event that was our super bowl, however, I will say that we had chilly cheese fries, pop-corn, nachos and pizza.
After the super bowl my dad had to call a friend who had to call a friend to pull out my mom, who got stuck in the snow.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Super Bowl preperations

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Process of Embalming
6. A priest wearing a jackal mask will place a death mask on the deceased and finish the prayers.
7. The body is now ready to be buried
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Spring floods {Or, What do you mean every thing is flooding already?!}
So the water, which is still partially frozen, started flooding across our road and causing problems, so my Dad and I went out there with a shovel and pinch bar and dug several canal like passages through the ice to drain the water away.
And so far it's working great, I mean, we diverted several hundred if not thousands of gallons to our creek on the other side of our driveway. The only down side is, while doing it, since I was wearing tennis shoes my feet got all wet. Oh well. A small price to pay.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Journalism Class
This is my second class at the Center, my first was a camp on Gettysburg, but it's Molly's first.
The classes are on Wednesdays from 8:00 to 11:30, which means a 6:30 wake-up to get there on time, which was bad news for me since I had to wake up at 6:00 on Monday. I had a bad headache and couldn't really concentrate.
We all wrote a news paper article on the wolf's death in the story of the Three Little Pigs. By the time the course ends in May, we will have created our own newspaper.