Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spring floods {Or, What do you mean every thing is flooding already?!}

Every year, when the snow melts and our creek floods its banks, we have water every where. Only this year its especially bad. And really early for it, I mean, come on, it's the middle of January and were having our spring thaw already!

So the water, which is still partially frozen, started flooding across our road and causing problems, so my Dad and I went out there with a shovel and pinch bar and dug several canal like passages through the ice to drain the water away.

And so far it's working great, I mean, we diverted several hundred if not thousands of gallons to our creek on the other side of our driveway. The only down side is, while doing it, since I was wearing tennis shoes my feet got all wet. Oh well. A small price to pay.

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