Monday, June 8, 2009

Day One

In order to separate each day's fun on our trip I will split each day on a new post.
These are from my journal I kept for the trip.

We started our trip today at 7:00 but had to wake up at 6:00 to put every thing in the truck. After saying our good bye's we [we being the boys, the girls had to stay home] piled in to the truck ready to go. A little crowded but ready. O.k a whole lot crowded. We are driving past Livingston. We passed a heard of Buffalo and the younger boys sat glued to the window screaming "Buffalo! Buffalo! Look at the Buffalo!" O.k, they were not saying exactly that, but it's close enough. We are going to see the Battle Of The Little Big Horn museum and battle site and will be there in 1 1/2 hours.

We just finished visiting the museum. It is also a veteran's grave site, which is cool since it's the memorial day weekend. Thank you to all who fought for our freedom!
We saw the museum then walked the actual battle field. The 7th Calvary charged at the Indian camp [which was over 1 1/2 miles long!] and charged up to last stand hill. Custer and his two brothers were killed and his men fled to a small canyon where Crazy Horse and his men killed the rest of the 7th. There is a white grave marker for every 7th Calvary man killed in the spot he was killed and the path was strewn with markers. I could have giving some really cool pictures, but I left my memory card, [Of all the stupid things!!!!!]

We just left Montana and are in Wyoming and are looking for "Devils Tower." The Indians tell the story like this: Several children were playing in some woods when a bear attacked them. They ran up to a rock and the rock told them to jump on him and he would save them. They did so and he lifted them far out of the bear's reach. The bear scratched and scratched on the rock and after a while he left. The rock tried to go down again but he couldn't because of the scratches. The children were then whisked away into space and turned into stars. The scientific version? A volcano whose side fell off so it's only the core. I think the Indians version is MUCH more interesting.
A couple of hours later we drove into South Dakota and saw the black hills. Much later we saw the bad lands. For most of being in south Dakota I had a horrible head ache. We had to stop at McDonald's for dinner because our power converter didn't work. We then stopped to R.O.N. [Rest Over Night]

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