Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day Eight

We picked up Sarah from Aunt Wanda's house and after having a huge toast and jelly breakfast we drove down to see the Heaton, Birchfeild and Irick family graves. We saw my Grandmother and Grandfather's grave, George ''Washey" Irick, who when his wife was in labor went to get get the midwife and came back two years later! I learned that almost every one of my relatives fought in one of America's wars and all came back but one, who died 4 days before the war ended.
Then we went to the reunion. [after almost getting lost again] My dad bet me $10 I couldn't speak in a British accent for the whole four hours, but I did! It was funny because some one would walk up to me and I would start talking and they would be all confused. I had one person come up and say "you aren't from around here are you?''
It was cool to see so many of my relatives on my dad's side.
Afterwards we went back to Deanna's house for the night.

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