Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stop Motion Animation

Awhile ago Molly and I took a Stop Motion Animation class at the Center of Discovery.
Stop Motion Animation is when you take a bunch of pictures, add the pictures together to tell a story. In my video I used a computer program to make the pictures look like a video.
We learned different camera techniques to take different pictures for different occasions.
We also learned to use different computer programs to make our videos the best they could be. We all had to find a story line for our movies. Most every one found there ideas on the first day. The class was five days. It took me three days to find an idea, so I was real rushed for the rest of the class.
So, what do you think?

Bing Search

So today I found out that if anyone 'Bing!' image searched "Process of Embalming" my blog would show up as a possible link with a picture of my blog. Now, naturally, once I found this out I just HAD to try it, when I did, sure enough there was my blog post.

I was so exited to find that out, I told almost everyone! {O.K, so I told one or two people, but still.}

So, needless to say, I am now a fan of 'Bing!'

Free Dinners!

Ever since my Dad had his heart attack, we've been receiving quite a present from lots of friends. We've been getting LOTS of free food. Our first meal was Pizza from the Lewis's, then Lasagna from the Stafford's, then chicken, rolls, potato salad and coleslaw from the Youroses, Meatloaf, potatoes and pound cake from the Dewey's and now a huge salad with chicken from the Vanomens.

Wow, have we been blessed!

What I Did For Summer

For a school assighment I need to write what I did this summer. Some of this will be a recap from some of my blog posts. Well, here goes:

I went on Thursdays to Logan to go shooting with Mr. Lewis; I started to make a Star Wars movie with my siblings; flew in a light aircraft for FREE; I spent a week in Oklahoma at Camp Yeshua; hosted two girls from Columbia; and I acted in a Robin Hood play.

Well, that's just about my summer in a nut shell.


Lately it's been raining a lot here. It's been raining ever since Friday, only letting up a few hours a time. It rains in the night, it rains in the day, it rains while we do our chores, it rains while we milk. The rain turned our milking station into a ton of mud. I can't let my dog Dutch out without him getting dripping wet. However, there is an up side. Our lawn is real green now.

So, for lunch were having the perfect rainy day meal- home made Chicken Noodle Soup and home made bread!

Name Selling

So, as some of you know, I want to become a Pilot sometime, so I became a AOPA {Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association} member, and made a subscription to AOPA Flight Training magazine, and apparently AOPA sold my name to 'The History Channel Club' {HCC}, who gave me an offer to become a member. Now, I LOVE history, so naturally I joined. Then, the HCC apparently sold my name to the Smithsonian, who sold it to Nat. Geo. and on and on. Now, mostly I've excepted all their offers, but it really is getting kind of annoying.
Who knew my name could make so much money without me?

Hebrew Flash Cards

Andrei, Viktor and Abby have made Hebrew flash cards to help them learn there Hebrew for there up-coming Bar-and-Bat Mitzvah.

Mom bought them all blank flash cards when she did 'back to school shopping last week.

The kids spend hours last night filling the cards with the Hebrew Alef Bet, then spent last night and this morning testing each other, practicing there letters.

They all plan on bringing there cards on our road trip, to practice even more.

Andrei and Viktor's Bar Mitzvah is going to be in January, and Abby's is going to be in March.

Awhile ago I asked Viktor if he was feeling the pressure yet. "Oh, yea. Definitely."

Monday, August 30, 2010

History AP Test

So, as I hinted in 'Back to School', I had something different for history. I did "Cracking the AP U.S. HISTORY EXAM" {Don't ask}. Mom also took the practice test, just for fun. She did the test, then left to pick up Orli. While she was gone, I did it. She got back after I finished it.

She got 33%.

I got 44%.

Yea. I feel reeeeeel special.

Back to School

Today was a very solemn event, like a funeral, only worse. Today we went back to School. Good bye summer break, good bye freedom.

O.K, so it's not that bad, but you get the picture. Naturally, we were late starting school, as we had to drop Orli {Yes, with an I and not a Y, as Molly so patiently mentioned.} off at the vet, then pick up some breakfast. Most of my school was old, same stuff I did last year. Well, I did a new history thing, but I'll talk about that later.

I forgot how to do my math, but it slowly came back. The problems were really easy, too.

For science I had to color a DNA strand, which almost made me wonder what grade I was really in, 9th or 1st.

On my Hebrew on the Rosetta Stone program, I did pretty good for not having done it in awhile. {In other words I failed dramatically.}

Answers to Mollys Comment on "Orly"

Molly- Really? With an 'I'? Huh. That's interesting.
And, a couple of weeks could mean several months, it all depends on how you look at it.

{To the reader- Can't you tell I'm running out of things to blog about?}

Road Trip!

This September my family {minus dad, who has to work} is going on a several week road trip back east! We're going to a history festival in Omaha, a feast of tabernacles thing in Missouri, and lots of things in between like- The Little Big Horn battle field, Mount Rushmore, Wall SD, to visit Kylie, and visit lots of our extended family in Missouri and Tennessee. We're all really exited, getting the farm ready for the person that's going to 'farm-sit' for us, fixing the car, ect.
We're leaving {I think} on September 12th, the day before Molly's Birthday.


Today our cat Orlando, or Orly, is having a surgery to remove a really disgusting tumor/growth on his face. He's had it for a few weeks and it got bigger and bigger and bigger.

We all had to wake up at seven to do our chores, then bring him in to the vet. The vet said we should be able to pick him up later in the afternoon. He would have a small hole where the tumor was, but she {the vet} said it shouldn't affect his eating. We're all glad he doesn't have to live with it any more.

Heart Attack

Thursday, while I was out shooting, my dad had a heart attack. Mom drove him to the hospital, and Molly called just about every one we know and asked them to pray, including Mr. Lewis, our family friend who I was out shooting with. He got a phone call from another friend, but he didn't answer because he didn't think it was important. Meanwhile, Molly gets the news that on a scale of 1 to 10 my dads' heart attack was a .1. I still didn't know he had one.

It was around 8:30 when I finally got the news. He had the heart attack at about 6:15.
As I said, it was a mild one, but he had to stay at the hospital over night because it was the policy. We picked him up the next morning, all smiles that he's all right. Praise GOD!

End of Shooting

Last Thursday was the last day of shooting. I missed quite a bit, while I was in Oklahoma, when we had Kelly and Ana here, ect. ect. But Thursday I was able to go. Mr. Lewis picked me up and we drove to Logan, where the gun range is. {My Dad couldn't make it, he was busy, as I'll talk about later.} We got there early to find a spot in the shade {It was almost 100 degrees out side!}. I used Mr. Lewis's AR-15 during the shooting, as I did the week before, instead of the M-1 Garand. After the shooting {and following events} I compared my first and last targets, and I could see a huge improvement. I was pretty shocked. Mr. Lewis said next shooting time he wanted to see all X's. {The X is the very middle of the target.} Fat chance.

Blog Competition update

O.K, so in my post Blog Competition! I said that the competition ended August first. It actually ends September 1st. So, its going on right now and that's why I'm blogging so much. I'm really wanting that pizza.

Right now I'm behind Molly by two posts. I can already taste the Pizza. {Did I say that already?}

MCT Robin Hood Play

This year me and my siblings were in a Robin Hood Play put on by the Missoula Children's Theater {MCT}. They held auditions on a Monday, Mom found out about Sunday night, we had to wake up early on Monday to do our chores and milk our cow, Tillie, then we all drove down to where the auditions where, and we still got there early! At first only the Four Little Kids{That's what we call the four youngest members of our family, Andrei, Viktor, Abby and Landon.} where auditioning, but Molly bribed me 5$ to do it to, so I did.{Don't worry, I payed her back.} Molly came in later to be an assistant director.
We all got parts in the play, Andrei and Landon were two guards, Abby and Viktor were Merry Men, and I was The Sheriff Of Nottingham. The play was on Saturday at the Sweat Pea Festival. We arrived their a little before eight, and it was starting to rain. We got in to our costumes and did our first dress rehearsal.{We spent the last week practicing our lines, but didn't get to see our costumes.} We then changed back into our regular clothes and had lunch. At One thirty we went back and got our make up and costumes on. At three we had our play, and it was over at about four thirty.
The play was lots of fun, and I hope we will be able to do more MCT shows in the future.

Kelly and Ana

This summer my family was an emergency host family for two little girls from Columbia. There names were Kelly and Ana. I was gone for the first week they were here, so I don't know what all went on, but I do know that Ana was afraid of me when I got back home. She never really lost that fear. Oh well. Maybe I'm just a scary guy.
The girls mostly stayed with Molly. They LOVED her. They only loved me when I made pop-corn or drove them on the ATV. The LOVED that ATV.
They were with us for about 2 1/2 weeks, then had to leave back for Columbia.

Camp Yeshua Part Two-Tribulation Game

In CP {Camp Yeshua} We played a camp wide game called the Tribulation Game, simulating the tribulation. It started while every one was dancing. The C.D started to skip, then a voice came on, there was gun fire in the back ground, along with screaming and Sirens. The Tribulation game had started.
You needed to form a team of some one from each camp. {All the tribes were split up in camps, red, blue, green and yellow.} Then you needed to find a councilor with an Israeli flag. After that you and your team would race around the camp ground visiting different stops with councilors that would help you. You needed to gather up several glow sticks from each position, they would also give you a clue you needed to know where to go to next. The clues would lead you to random letters, which you had to de scramble to form a bible verse. The first ten teams to find the verse won the game. The whole there were more people with highlighters that would 'mark' you with it. They roamed the whole camp grounds, in groups, pretending to be teams, as loners, striking in the shadows. If you were marked to many times, you would be dis-qualified. The markers added a realistic addition to the game.
Sadly, my team lost. The game finished well after midnight.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Camp Yeshua-Part One

So, on July 10th I took off all by my self to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for a week long Messianic camp for youths. {Youths. I hate that word. That's all the camp councelors called us. Youths. Yea, it got annoying.} I stayed with Monte Judah, and his wife. Monte Judah is the founder of Lion and Lamb ministries. Yea, I felt pretty special. Me and some one from Oregan stayed there over night and went to the camp site at around two. After getting situated { found what room I'm in, met my room mates, ect. ect.} Ephraim Judah {Son of Monte, director of camp} told the rules of the camp {After which one of his councelers would break it, like when he said "No cell phones, one of the leaders called him on his phone to complain about him being a cowboys fan.

The worship was led by a Messianic band, called Mason Clover.

All the youths {There's that word again. Man, I got to stop using that word!} were divided into the twelve tribes of Israel. I was in Judah.

Each day the 'tribes' would compete against each other in different out side games. Now keep in mind this is in Oklahoma. It didn't get under 100 degrees, and thats not counting humitity. Now I'm a Montana boy, used to 50- wheather, not Oklahoma weather. Oy gevalt, was it hot.

Excuses, excuses

O.K, so I have not blogged in forever. I would use the excuse "Ive been busy", which, don't get me wrong, I have been busy, but I just haven't wanted to. But, hopefully, I'll blog a lot more. {Can't you tell its almost September 1st? I can almost taste the pizza.}