Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Sunday night began Sukkot. We set lights up on our Camper and used that as our Sukkah this year. We had a Thanksgiving dinner theme on Sunday. We had our Church group come to celebrate. So far I've slept in our Sukkah every night.
Sukkot is to remember the Israelites in the desert.
Sukkot ends next Monday.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur {day of atonement} was yesterday. Yom Kippur is a day to pray to God to forgive your sins, and is a really solemn day. Many people chose to fast, as I did this year.

{I went 25 hours with no food or water} It's a day to afflict your soul. Our family always goes to Johnny Carinos restaurant before we began our fast.

The day after I was asked to blow the Shofar, which is no easy task after fasting over a day.

Yom Kippur is also the anniversary of the time Israel was attacked by her Arab neighbors who attempted to throw her into the sea. Which of course, they failed.