Friday, March 20, 2009

Shearing Day

Today we got our three year old sheep Sarai sheared. This was the first time in three years she was fully sheared. My older sister molly sheared some of her about a year ago.After a few minutes of doing fine the shearers tool broke so he left to go get a new one. In the mean time however Sarai ran around her pen, half sheared. It was certainly a funny sight.

.Soon he came back with a much more powerful sheerer and finished up the job. Sarai ran around naked looking and Basil [the goat that lives with Sarai]ran around looking for the real Sarai, the whole time being very cautious of this 'new comer'. It took her a while to realize it was Sarai with out her wool

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bummer Lambs

A few days ago we got got several Bummer Lambs{ Baby Lambs who for one reason or another couldn't be taken care of by their mothers.}

After we got them, we brought them out to their new home. Soon they were acquainted to their new neighbors, the chickens. Since we have no milk producing Mother Lamb, we got to bottle feed them. So every three {soon switched to four} hours a day we went out to feed them. We all loved to watch them suck on the bottles, their tails waging ferociously. But at 12 or 3{like I said we soon switched it to every 4 hours} in the morning the cuteness kinda disappears. Soon they grew old enough to be let out side.

They would follow any one walking around, run to them and when they caught up to try to nurse their clothing.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Celebrating Purim

On March 10th
We celebrated Purim. Purim is when we remember when Queen Esther stopped Haman's evil plot to kill the Jews. We had a pot-luck dinner, then put on a puppet show and read the book of Esther. Each one of my younger siblings played a character of Purim in the puppet show and I narrated it.{Andrei, 11, played the king; Viktor, 11, played Mordecai; Abby; 11; played Esther and Landon; 9; played Haman.}